Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Why we need Digital Wisdom?

This is an interesting article. But I would like to challenge it.

It conveys the idea that we need Digital Wisdom in addition to conventional wisdom.

Well, I suppose it make sense in this highly digital and fast pace world. I do not refute that. A whole generation of homo sapiens exist who do not know a world without smart phones, siri, laptops and Internet.

But take step back and hear me out. Do we control technology or does technology control us? Are we 'enhanced' by technology like what the article narrate or are we handicapped by it.

When was the last time you had a meal and did not checked your phone, for that email, that latest status update, that trivial message, that liked for the post you just made....or When was the last time you brushed aside a loved one because you were busy with your Mac, your phone, your game console....you get my drift here.

And did technology really enhanced us? How many of us followed blindly the directions given by the GPS, turn to a calculator to make a simple addition, rely on spellcheck for our proposal etc. Did we truly became smarter? The human brain is any amazing organ, a miracle of life. But like most parts of our body, it gets better the more you use it. Whether its judgement, memory or sense of direction.

I hope someone is studying this. Would the humans of the next generation be different from our parents? Where face to face conversations are replaced by digital interactions, where touch means cold smooth glass, where privacy is non existence, etc.

Maybe it should be titled "Why we need digital intelligence?"

Because we might be smarter, but maybe we are not wiser.

Read more here.